Book Description
In this very hard to find book from 1948, Dr.
Murphy analyzes the Bible's "Love Chapter", I Cor. 13, and says that if
men and women were to meditate upon the inner meaning of this chapter,
which is one of the greatest sections in the Bible, their lives would
be transformed. He shows how the deep truths contained within this
chapter can be put into practical use once the spiritual meaning is
understood. He then goes on to discuss love relationships and marriage
in particular. This eBook edition has thirteen chapters.
mysticism is the ability inwardly to sense the
invisible things of the Spirit, and through feeling, present them to
discerning the deep things of the Spirit, the intellect
must follow the intuition—and it will never follow it in vain, for that
the intuition reveals, the intellect may later analyze. It is this
back toward spiritual prototypes that marks the work of the true mystic
in any
this book Joseph Murphy, one of the outstanding mystics
in the metaphysical field, has presented a depth of feeling seldom
through the written word.
who have had the privilege of listening to the
discourses of Dr. Murphy have felt that which was not spoken, the
of a spiritual essence which can only be felt. I am certain that
the reader of
this book will find a response in their consciousness to that invisible
and ineffable
beauty which it suggests.
scripture says, "God is love, God is all, over all, through all, all
in all" Love, therefore, is resident
in all men and in all things; so let us seek it in all. "Seek and ye
shall find." Yes, if you truly look for the God-Love in the other, it
will shine forth in all of its pristine glory. The first thing we do
when we
see another is to look for that Divine Love to radiate through his
words, and deeds. If we truly recognize It as being within him, he must
this Love. "As within, so without." "As above, so below."
"As in heaven (consciousness), so on earth (manifes-ation)."
must not let fear step in; for it is the opposite of
love. Fear is the inversion of love, or love turned upside down. There
is only
Love. If a man recognizes love in a dog, the animal responds in kind.
When we
fear the dog or any other animal, the latter senses it, and strikes up
similar response in him.
we are faced with a problem, let us become still; feel
within ourselves that Divine Love is working through the situation now;
only harmony and peace prevail; then dismiss it from our minds knowing
that it
is so. We will find a perfect solution is offered to us which blesses
illustration, a woman told me that her son was an
aviator during the war. Each night while he was away, during her
meditation she
would take her son in her arms realizing that Divine Love enfolded him
in the
midst of the chaos of war. She knew the aura of His Love surrounded the
always making it invisible to the so-called enemy. The boy was never
the enemy planes never saw him; so how could they attack him?
disappeared in the multitude; likewise, the multitude
of human thoughts and false beliefs disappear when the shining
armor of Truth
comes rushing in, lighting up the whole house; then the dawn appears
and the
shadows flee away.
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