Excerpts from
The Real Meaning of
Reincarnation and Rebirth
Joseph Murphy
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Book Description
The book "The Real Meaning of Reincarnation and Rebirth,"
was originally published in 1954, and is now available in eBook form
for the first time. There are thinking people of all religious faiths
the world over that believe in the theory of Reincarnation and Karma,
as these do seem to provide an acceptable answer to many of life's
mysteries; however, as readers of this superb book will discover, there
are other perfectly plausible explanations that account for what people
consider to be past-life experiences, and also explain why people are
born into this world with differing advantages, disadvantages, and
The book's introduction reads as follows:
The Bible contains the congealed Wisdom of the ages. One of the
greatest modern teachers of the inner meaning of the Bible has written
this book to show the true, inner meaning of that old subject,
Reincarnation. In these pages you will find the master key to this
subject, and see how Jesus completely rejected the popular belief
regarding Reincarnation. Learn that you have dominion over all things.
We can have dominion when we learn the laws of life and apply them.
When you pray, you are lifted up above time, its limitations, and into
union with the Divine. You pass from time to Eternity.
This book is new, vital, inspiring, and soul stirring. It is a message
from the man who has taught thousands how to transform their lives. Dr.
Murphy, writing with simplicity, clarity, and a deep spiritual insight,
shows you how you can rise above all race beliefs, superstitions, fear,
and ignorance, and enter consciously into union with the Higher Self;
then "all the Divine Forces hasten to minister to our eternal joy."
The time has come in the field of New Thought thinking,
practice to make a clear-cut decision as to what to do with the mill-stone
labelled, "Reincarnation," which is discovered hanging from both
oriental and occidental necks.
The highest light in the theory of reincarnation is
is, man is becoming better by the slow, exoteric process of putting on
and off different habiliments of flesh and emotions. Nothing is done in
this unconscious process, rooted in mere habit transmission about the
ringing challenge: "Be ye perfect even as your Father hi Heaven is
New Thought Philosophy and application must not capitulate
to a
error perpetuated by the pronouncements of unillumined men. We should
get started in the "business" about which Jesus so earnestly labored.
Let us begin the program with tenacity of purpose and perseverance by
putting on the Garment of Christ which is Wisdom, Truth, and Beauty
instead of the garment of "poor man, rich man, beggar man, and thief,"
through the weary cycles of time-space-frames of reference.
Einstein has with great labor brought us to the gate of the
Beautiful. The false Gods of time and space have been toppled over, and
become mere relativities before that "Which is, and Which was, and
Which is to come, the Almighty."
We now stand naked before the gates stripped of all
disguises and
little lower than the angels," ready to take our just place at the
right hand of Cause—The Father. This means essentially the wilful
cessation of the automatic, weary round of rebirths, refleshing
ourselves in the menial garments of the slave to carnal, materialistic
thinking and living.
The scientific, mental thinker looks at the theory of
from a new standpoint altogether. The scientific thinker starts with,
"the pattern on the Mount," wherein man is one with God, and starts
from there.
We must cease building an edifice based on a slow-paced
millions of human beings—east and west—have been laid in the
Procrustean bed of karma and reincarnation to arise retailored in
garments ill befitting an invited guest to God's Wedding Feast. If you
do not wear the proper garment which is the royal, seamless robe, you
will be cast out again into the outer darkness of spiritual ignorance.
By believing in the theory of reincarnation, or countless
carnal rebirths, I believe you drift from safe mooring, and fall from
spiritual grace.
What is your concept of God? The Bible gives you the answer:
and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy."
Atomic, H-bombs, and other thermo-nuclear weapons are
knocking at
doors calling upon you for a new Declaration of Emancipation from all
traditions and false beliefs of man—no matter how time-honored on
oriental altars. Let us begin to put out all karmic, purgatorial fires
by true faith and conviction in God's Love and Beauty here and now, and
press on to the virgin fields of consciousness. You must not be
deterred by a mirage of mere meliorism. Refuse to be satisfied by
anything but the promised land of Spiritual Reality.
In materia-medica
circles it
is customary to discard the textbooks of yesterday's pathologies and
nostrums. Likewise, you must discard the old garment of "sick man, poor
man," and arrive at the hour of decision in your own mind where "none but the best wine" of
spiritual wisdom shall be put forth for the guests who hunger for a
more wholesome fare.
The new, nuclear physics with great courage and faith has
hesitation discarded the gross atomistic concepts of yesterday. Their
courage and faith have demonstrated their own miracles, such as nuclear
transubstantiation, time-space fusion, television, radio, inter-atomic
energy, etc. Science is also beginning to kneel and pray before the
Altar of Being.
By laboring in the vineyard of your own mind, you, too, can
better fruit. The Bible explains the course of action which the student
of truth must take in these times when the Holy Spirit is being "poured
upon all flesh." All unworthy concepts must go into the limbo of
spiritual ignorance; foremost among these stands this well-regarded
theory of reincarnation, whereby mole-like progress is decreed by
age-old, earth-bound thinking.
When Jesus said, "My kingdom cometh not with observation of,
lo there!" was he not anticipating the relativity of time-space
concepts? When he declared: "Behold now is the accepted time!" "Believe
that ye receive them, and ye shall have them!" "Before Abraham was, I
am!" was he not collapsing time and space in this "business" of
soul-saving and man redeeming from the thraldom of erroneous oriental
and occidental beliefs?
Jesus demonstrated instant resurrection, thereby short
reincarnation lagging on the way to the promised land of spiritual
Become now a
scientist, and agree with the bold declaration: "Behold, I make all
things new." "I have overcome the world." "Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father
in me." The me means the conscious, inner
realization of God's Presence in you and in all men.
Free yourself mentally from the belief in self-imposed
psychologically imprisoning embodiments. The "sons of God" must "leap
for joy" beneath "the morning stars" of Light, Love, and Truth which
light up the heavens of your own mind.
Once I prayed for a friend who believed he was the victim of
that he had to suffer, and that God was punishing him. A healing of his
mind and body followed; this was God reincarnated or made manifest in a
body ill at ease or in disease. The malignant growth was stopped, and
the glory of God was made manifest. This glory waits "neither for time
nor tide," but is instant with the One Presence which always comes with
healing on Its wings.
Leave all lesser altars and idols, and come before God with
a pure
heart and noble purpose. True reincarnation is the birth of God in the
mind of man, where man becomes seized with a Divine frenzy and becomes
God-intoxicated. The Spiritual rebirth comes to the man here and now
who goes on a great psychological, spiritual feast in peace, happiness,
and joy; then he begins the task of Divine regeneration, resurrection
of God's ideas, and ascension into the bosom of God's Eternal Love.
Emma Curtis Hopkins tells of a wonderful event recorded in
of a state penal institution; this is the essence of it: A man was
sentenced over half a century ago to be hanged. In the interim between
his sentence and its time of fulfillment, he sought the Face of God,
which means the Truth about God. If I look at your face, I recognize
you. Look to God and His Love; there is no condemnation there. God does
not condemn or judge any man. "All judgment is given to the son." You
are the son, and you are always judging yourself by the concept and
beliefs you entertain. You are always choosing thoughts; thereby
passing judgment on yourself. God sees you perfect. The Perfect One
cannot see imperfection. When man rises in consciousness to the point
where he forgives himself and cleanses his mind and heart, the past is
forgotten and remembered no more.
Karma, or reaping what you have sown, turns out to be
as long as you do not pray or meditate on the Truths of God. As soon as
you pray, you rise above karma, and the unpleasant consequences of past
mistakes begin to be wiped out. No matter how awful the crime,—be it
murder, or any other heinous offense,—it can be expunged from the mind
together with all the punishment that would ordinarily follow. Mere
reading of affirmations and perfunctory prayer will not change matters.
A deep hunger and thirst for God's Love and Grace, plus an intense
desire to transform, is essential to wipe out the punishment that must
otherwise follow negative and destructive thinking.
I have known murderers to become completely transformed by
realization of God's Presence; they were completely reborn; they were
so changed that it would be impossible for them to repeat the mistakes
of the past.
The murderer of whom Emma Hopkins speaks sought the Face of
All-Good. He had read that God was "the bad man's deliverer," and this
man had committed the murder for which he was sentenced. To the great
confusion and perplexity of the officers of the law, when the man was
led to the gallows, the platform of which would tip ordinarily at the
slightest weight, became firm the moment the condemned man stepped upon
it. They tried again and again to no avail, until finally he was given
his freedom.
Did not the efficacy of the High Watch halt the so-called
karma of
ordinarily mandated treadmill of cause and effect, and enable this
murderer to step off into a new order of emancipated consciousness and
The Love of God indeed passes all understanding, and It does
the path we tread. The wonders and blessings of God know no ending.
Modern science is beginning also to penetrate the wonders of
it says that we live in an ever-changing, fluidic universe of dancing
forces, and that the universe is a mental phenomenon. The ultimates of
science are on precisely the same footing as our intuitions of
Goodness, Truth, and Beauty of God. Our reason must listen to the
subtler voices of intuition and revelation. With a new vision religion
and science may both understand the mystic overtones of this ancient
"Of all existences I am the source
The continuation, and
the end.
I am the germ;
I am the growth;
I am the decay.
All things and
creatures I
I support them while
yet they
stand without;
And when the dream of
I cause their return
I am the Life,
And the wheel of the
And the way that
leadeth to
There is none else."
Reincarnation is God incarnating again and again. It is the
coming back repeatedly.
Troward says, "If a thing is true, there is a way in
it is true."
Let us see the way in which Reincarnation is true. In reading the ninth
chapter of Luke, we find these words, "Now Herod the tetrarch heard of
all that was done by him: and he was perplexed, because that it was
said of some, that John was risen from the dead; And of some, that
Elias had appeared; and to others, that one of the old prophets was
risen again. And Herod said, John have I beheaded: but who is this, of
whom I hear such things? And he desired to see him."
Herod means the
race belief, and acceptance of the traditions of the past. Such a mind
believes it is John the Baptist risen from the dead or Elias come
again, but what it fails to see is that it is always God coming forth
as a quality or mood of man.
The people in the days of Jesus believed in reincarnation,
everywhere in the Bible, as we shall point out, Jesus rejects the
belief completely. If you read this book with a fixed belief in your
old ideas, you will not really grasp what is being written. You only
hear what you are ready to receive. Many hear what they want to
believe. Where will you find the authority for the Truths of the Bible?
They are within yourself! Your subjective or Invisible Self is the
authority; It knows all, and It will illumine your conscious mind.
Herod is the
latter means the fourth part of the province, or the ruler of the
fourth part of a country. You have four parts: You are spiritual,
mental, emotional, and physical. The physical, or the body, is the
tetrarch referred to. The body, or the worldly belief, is that a man
dies and comes back in another body in cycles of 500, 800, etc. The man
with the worldly belief desires to see Jesus, but he cannot. Jesus
symbolizes the Truth.
Truth is an inner
It is subjectively perceived and understood. You say, "I see," when you
comprehend, or understand the solution to a knotty problem. Many people
believe that we come back again and again, in order to expiate for our
sins committed in former lives. They believe they have to work out
their karma until they are free from bondage. It is a solace and a
comfort to many people to realize that their misfortunes and troubles
are due to errors in their past lives. This belief is indeed a panacea;
it answers their problems; puts them at ease, and it acts as an opiate
to these poor people.
Again I wish to emphasize that Jesus does not teach
commonly understood. He teaches a spiritual rebirth. Let us examine the
third chapter of John: Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, Except
a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith
unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second
time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily,
Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and the spirit,
he cannot enter the Kingdom of God."
Nicodemus means a
state of consciousness within man; he is still wedded to the old
thought of a physical or carnal rebirth; yet he is dissatisfied, and is
seeking light. He is a man of the Pharisees, meaning that he is one who
adheres to the letter of the Law, but lacks the spirit which giveth
life. He represents the average man of today who does not know that his
own Awareness, Beingness, or Consciousness is God, his Creator,
Redeemer, and Saviour. Let us see this drama or dialogue as taking
place within man.
When Jesus says, "I am the Truth," he is not referring to
as a
man, but to the Principle which he teaches.
"I AM" means Pure
Awareness, Consciousness, or The Unconditioned One. Our "I AM-NESS" is
God. "I am all things to all men." This Formless Awareness becomes that
which man conceives It to be; this is the law of believing— the corner
stone of life which the world rejects. When we read the word, "Verily,
Verily," it means stop, look, and listen! To be born again means a spiritual
rebirth—the birth of God in man.
Nicodemus, or man seeking, questions the Truth, asking, "How
can a
be born when he is old?" The average man thinks of God as far off; he
considers heaven as a place to which he goes when he leaves this plane.
He fails to see that anyone can enter the second time into the mother's
womb, psychologically, and be reborn spiritually. Man can enter the
womb of God again and again, and be reborn mystically. The womb of God
is man's own inner feeling.
Here is how you may enter the womb of God and be reborn: Get
quiet by relaxing the mind and body. Detach yourself from the old way
of thinking and form a new concept of yourself, a new estimate.
Meditate on the reality of this new concept to the point of conviction.
Imagine and feel the reality of the new ideal; live with it; envelop it
in love; woo it; then the ideal will be resurrected in you, and you
will become a changed man.
I knew a murderer one time who confessed to me that he had
man. He had an intense desire to transform himself, and be reborn
mentally and spiritually. I wrote down the qualities and attributes of
God for him. He began to still the wheels of his mind. For fifteen or
twenty minutes several times daily, he would quietly, silently, and
lovingly claim and feel that God's Love, Peace, Beauty, Glory, and
Light were flowing through his mind and heart, purifying, cleansing,
healing, and restoring his soul. As he did this regularly, these
qualities and attributes of God were gradually resurrected within him.
In other words these qualities came out of his mother's womb, which was
his own feeling or mood as he prayed.
One night this man's whole mind and body, as well as the
room he
in, became a blaze of Light. He was actually blinded like Paul by the
Light for awhile. He said to me that all he could remember was that he
knew the whole world was within him, and that he felt the ecstacy and
rapture of God's Love. His feeling was indescribable. It was in other
words the moment which lasts forever. He was a changed man; truly he
expressed the real Incarnation of God in his mind and heart. He began
to teach others how to live, and I am sure he is still doing it
He was born of water and the spirit. Water will take the
shape of
vessel into which it is poured, so will your mental attitudes and
beliefs assume form and shape in your world.
Spirit is a
feeling, a
or animated state of consciousness.
To be born of water and the spirit is, therefore, to begin to
think in a new way; to get a new mental attitude, and to begin to feel
the joy of the answered prayer within you.
Let us take a simple illustration. Suppose you wish to be a
teacher of God's Truths: Close your eyes tonight. Still your body.
Imagine you are expounding hidden mysteries or the Truths of the Bible
to others, and that they are being illumined and inspired. In your
imagination, you see the multitude; feel the reality of it; realize the
wonder of it all. Dramatize it within yourself! You are the actor in
the drama. ("Act as thou I am, and I will be." This is an old
philosophical quotation containing a great Truth). Feeling yourself as
being the great teacher, living, and acting the role in your
imagination, you are focussed on your ideal, and you become one with it
as you remain persistent. As you regularly enter this meditative state,
you will touch Reality, and you will objectively express what you
subjectively saw and felt. Your true rebirth is when you leave the
kingdom of man and his false beliefs, and enter the Kingdom of God and
His Glory within you.
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