Excerpts from
How to Use Your
Healing Power
Meaning of the Healings of Jesus)
Joseph Murphy
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This hard to find book by Dr. Murphy emphasizes the
application of the healing methods of Jesus to the important as well as
the common problems of life. Man many times is faced with the effects
of error both within himself and without. The author draws on his wide
experience to illustrate how the healing miracles performed by Jesus
exemplify the application in specific cases of basic principles of
spiritual laws that have existed.
Every chapter offers some new interpretation or phase of spiritual
healing that will help you to meet your daily moods and decisions with
confidence that you can handle all situations constructively. Healing
power through the healing presence becomes a vivid concept to the
improvement of your body, your mind, and your social relations. Read
how you can remove those mental blocks that interfere with the free
expression of health, harmony, peace, and the fulfilment of your
In this book, Joseph Murphy explores the miraculous healings of Jesus
as recorded in the New Testament, and explains in simple terms how the
same methods and principles can be applied by anyone to heal oneself or
others. Originally published in 1957, it was way ahead of its time
since the mind-body connection is only now starting to be taken
seriously by mainstream medicine and the public at large. The author's
metaphysical interpretation of scripture is certainly wholesome and
uplifting, as opposed to those fundamentalist/literal interpretations
that are so destructive. There are references to Thomas Troward. This
is an excellent guide for all holistic healers.
This book is written in response to thousands of
from students
in many parts of the world. One of the largest classes I have ever
given was at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre, Los Angeles, California, on
the healing miracles of Jesus and what they mean to men everywhere.
This book is an attempt to elaborate on the inner meaning of the
recorded healings in the New Testament and to show the reader that he
can apply the Healing Principle today in the same way that Jesus did
about two thousand years ago.
The stories of mental and physical illnesses
recorded in
the Bible have
reoccurred from time immemorial to the present moment. You may see the
conditions and symptoms of diseases described in the Bible in almost
any hospital in the country. It is true, of course, that the diseases
described today have scientific names derived from medical terminology.
All over the world today men and women of various
are awakening
to the tremendous therapeutic results following the application of
mental and spiritual laws. In the fields of medicine, psychiatry,
psychology, and other related fields, evidence is being adduced and
articles written on the effect of destructive mental and emotional
conflicts as the cause of all kinds of disease, This is prophetic of
the termination of the power of the five senses, the reign of so-called
matter, and the
reestablishment of the reign of Divine Intelligence and of the Infinite
Healing Presence behind all things.
The Bible is a psychological textbook which teaches
us how
to overcome
all problems. It explains how we get into trouble; then teaches us how
to get out of trouble. It teaches a science of life. A knowledge of the
meaning of symbols, the science of the Hebrew alphabet, and the meaning
of the various names in the Bible forms the key to all the stories in
the Bible. You may find the meaning of the various names given in the
Bible in Strong's Concordance or Young's Concordance. There are
many other reference books but the above two are generally used by all
Bible students interested in the inner meaning of the Bible.
To fully understand what another speaks or writes,
it is
necessary to
tune in with the writer, claiming and knowing that his ideas, thoughts,
words, and feelings are reproduced in our mind. We do not really know
who wrote the Gospels, and as I write or speak on these wonderful Bible
stories, I say to my Deep Self in meditation, "What did I as the writer
of these stories mean when I wrote them?" Then I get quiet and still,
feeling the Living Intelligence within flowing through my conscious
mind revealing to me everything I need to know. There is only one mind.
A memory of everything that has ever transpired is within your
subjective mind, and it is possible for you to tune in. In a state of
intercommunion of mind with mind, it is possible to have transmitted to
your mind all the thoughts, ideas, and feelings of another mind with
which you are in tune or en rapport.
This is possible without the ordinary channels of sensuous
communication. There is but one mind common to all individual men.
The purpose of this book, so far as possible, is to
and strip
these stories of the Bible of all mystery so that it will be an open
book for all mankind. The same Healing Presence which Moses, Elijah,
Paul, and Jesus used is available to you now. Use it and go forward in
the Light, moving from glory to glory
until the dawn appears, and the shadows flee away.
Chapter 1
The following quotation is taken from the fourth
of Luke. It
forms the sound basis for all healing, and tells all of us what we are
here for.
The Spirit of the
is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath
sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the
captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them
that are bruised. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the
minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the
synagogue were fastened on him. And he began to say unto them, This day
is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. Luke 4:18-21.
Here is one of the most remarkable and extraordinary
statements in the
whole Bible. This day is this
scripture fulfilled in your ears. Not tomorrow or next week or
next year, but NOW, this minute. God
is the Eternal Now. Your good is this moment. Claim your health
now, your peace now. The Healing Principle and the Peace of God are
within you. Someone asked me in our class on "The Healing Miracles" if
the healing stories in the Bible were true. The answer to the question
is very simple. If the use of the Healing Principle is going on all the
time and is applicable to all people all of the time everywhere, it is
certainly truer, more interesting, and more fascinating than if it were
an historic event of a certain date, a definite geographical location,
and confined to just certain people.
In order to understand your Bible see it as a great
psychological drama
taking place in the consciousness of all people everywhere when they
pray scientifically. Look upon the following dramatic episodes recorded
in the Bible as stories about yourself and your friends awakening from
darkness to the Light within. You can call Jesus in the Bible, as
Robert Taylor of Cambridge, England, in 1829 did, illumined reason. Your concordance
gives you many meanings for Jesus such as "God is savior," or "God is
your solution, or salvation." In other words the names Joshua and Jesus
are identical. The meaning is that your awareness or faith in the
God-Wisdom can do all things. Look upon Jesus as yourself possessed of
faith and confidence looking at the thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of
your mind (your synagogue) rejecting all the false beliefs, theories,
and ideas and announcing the presence of your ideal or the state
desired. You do this in the present tense.
The Bible writer tells you that no matter what you
seeking, it
exists now. Why wait for a healing? Why postpone it? Why say, "Some day
I will have peace." The God of peace is within. The Power of the
Almighty is within, and you will receive energy and strength. Love is
here this moment, and you can experience the Divine Love welling up in
your heart for all people. You can also attract your divine companion
now. What you are seeking in the future is present now, right where you
are. Your knowledge of the laws of your mind is your savior.
And they were
at his
doctrine: for his word was with power. And in the synagogue there was a
man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud
voice, Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus
of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the
Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and
come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he
came out of him, and hurt him not. Luke 4:32-35. Related passages, Mark 1:23-27,
There was a belief in ancient times that when a man
insane he was
possessed by demons or devils. This had its corollary in the belief
that all psychotic or mentally deranged people were demon possessed. In
Bible days exorcism in its varied forms became the regularly accepted
form of therapy for the mentally disordered patients. Even today in
some parts of America and even here in Los Angeles a student will say,
"Oh, I think he or she is possessed by a demon." At one time people
tried varying methods in order to drive demons out of the mind or body
of the person. Today the psychiatrist, psychologist, and spiritual
leader tries to bring about an adjustment of the personality and
a cleansing of the mind of all negative thoughts and false beliefs. You
are very familiar with the sudden and miraculous change often seen
nowadays when a manic-depressive condition of an individual is cured by
shock therapy.
Many years ago when a boy traveling on an ocean
liner to
India, I saw a
raving maniac completely healed by an American woman who prayed aloud
for him. He had a remarkable, instantaneous healing. Being curious, I
asked her what she did. She replied, "I claimed that God's love and
peace filled his mind." Today I understand much better what she meant.
Her realization of the presence and power of God in the man was
instantaneously resurrected in his mind, and a healing followed. Her
faith made him whole. This is the whole story from a spiritual
All demons or
devils are
negative states of mind that have been developed because the creative
power of man has been used in an ignorant and destructive manner. The
work of every man is to go into his own
synagogue (mind) and through spiritual awareness cast out of his
own mind the false theories, dogmas, beliefs, opinions, as well as all
negative states such as resentment, ill will, hatred, jealousy, etc.
These are the devils which bedevil us. Obsessions, dual personalities,
and all other mental aberrations are the result of habitual negative
thinking, crystallizing into definite states of mind such as complexes
and other various poison pockets in the subconscious.
You are empowered to cast out demons by affirming
unity and
oneness with the indwelling God; then you silently or audibly with
feeling and faith speak the word of health, harmony, and peace. Pray
with confidence like the woman on board the ship referred to previously
by silently concentrating on the dissolving Power of God's Love upon
the person. Thus the hold of evil thoughts will be broken.
The supposed devil cries out, Let us
alone, what have we to do with thee. And he rebuked him saying, Hold thy peace, come out of him.
To rebuke
that you
completely reject, once and for all, the power of any so-called
negative or evil force. You do not admit for one moment that demons
have any power, or that there are such entities.
He suffered not
demons to speak.
Mark 1:34.
This means that you, who are illumined by the Light,
not, under
any circumstances, permit negative race thoughts to dissuade
you to turn away from the belief in
One Supreme Power which is One and Indivisible. The method
of healing used by Jesus here was
the word of authority, . . .for with
authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they came
out. Luke 4:36.
Your word
is your
your feeling, your conviction. Psychologically it is the union of the
conscious and subconscious mind; i.e.,
you have reached the point of agreement or complete mental acceptance
of that which you affirm as true. The moment you accept it completely
without reservations, the healing takes place in the person for whom
you are praying. If you are praying for a mentally deranged person,
follow the teachings of the Bible herein set forth.
Go boldly into
synagogue, which
means the temple of your own mind; there gather your thoughts together
rehearsing in your mind the Truths about God in the presence of your
assembled thoughts and opinions; and therein feel the mental atmosphere
of freedom and peace of mind for the sick person. Become Jesus
(illumined mind) now; i.e.,
you are full of faith and confidence as you enter the realm of your
mind, giving no power to symptoms, or the nature of the mental blocks.
Reject completely the verdict and opinions of those around you. Do this
emphatically and with a sense of inner knowing. Know that you have the
authority to speak the word; i.e.,
to feel and know that your thought is authoritative inasmuch as it is
the Infinite thinking through you.
Quimby, the great American healer, knew that when he
thought of his
patient he was in command of the other person's mind and body; then he
contemplated his divine perfection. He duplicated many of the miracles
recorded in the Bible. Quimby's inner conviction that what was true of
God was true of his patient was the word
that he sent. He sent his word and
healed them.
There are many evil spirits (negative emotions) such
resentment, revenge, jealousy, etc. It could be said that a man with
intense hatred is obsessed by an evil spirit. Your mood or emotion is
the spirit operating at the human level. The law governing your
subjective mind is that it is amenable to suggestion. In ancient times,
the idea was current that any one was liable at any time to be taken
possession of by a devil. Many persons who easily entered the
subjective condition through fear found themselves possessed by devils,
i.e., the power of their
fearful thoughts.
In ancient times and even today in some parts of the
profession of exorcism was and is a very profitable one. The general
belief was that the demons were afraid of holy water, the Bible, and of
hearing the name of God pronounced. Accordingly it came to pass that,
upon the verbal command of the exorcist the so-called devil would often
incontinently fly, leaving the patient free. Sometimes the patient
would go into convulsions on hearing the magic name pronounced, and
more exorcists were then employed. You can see that the whole procedure
is one of belief, and according to the belief of the exorcist is it
done unto him.
Doctors and scientists are conducting experiments in
hypnosis; they
know, for example, that they can cause a subject under hypnosis to act
like an insane person by suggestion. For instance, in a trance state a
man can be told he will jump with one foot in the air when he sees a
dog, and he will jump. If given a post-hypnotic suggestion, he will
repeat the performance after being awakened. This is a compulsion. He
can be told he is possessed by a bad spirit or devil, and his
subconscious mind which acts upon suggestion, faithfully reproduces the
role of a devil with the same extraordinary acumen that it would
personate any other character suggested. The subconscious mind which is
all things to all men will exhibit as many different kinds and degrees
of deviltry as there are devils embraced in the suggestion.
Experimentally any type of insanity can be brought about by appropriate
suggestions given to subjects in the trance state. In experiments when
the suggestion is relieved, the subject being instructed that it was
only a suggestion, the mental aberrations disappear. The schizophrenic,
psychotic, depressive type, manic type of insanities can be
demonstrated by suggestion. It is easy to see where the so-called
devils come from.
The ceremony of exorcism which is even today in use
organizations constitutes a most powerful suggestive command to the
subjective mind; according to the faith of the operator the desired
result is achieved. The fact that the trouble is susceptible of cure by
a ritual or ceremony points clearly to its mental origin, precluding
the possibility of its being attributable to extramundane causes or
external entities.
Many people come to see me and write me saying that
hear voices
all the time, and what terrible things these voices are saying. They
believe they are possessed by evil spirits. I tell them that I hear
voices also. Clairaudience is a faculty of the human mind. It is that
faculty of intelligence within you which enables your objective mind to
receive communications from your own subjective mind, or from another
by means of spoken words.
A few weeks ago I clearly heard an answer to a
which had
perplexed me for some time. I heard the words clearly. These words did
not come from some discarnate entity but they came from my own
subjective self which is one with Boundless Wisdom and Infinite
Intelligence. When you receive ideas from the subjective, or when the
answer comes, it is necessarily by such means as can be understood by
you, i.e., by means which
appeal to your senses. There are many people who hear clairaudicntly;
some attribute it to imagination, others regard it as a subjective
hallucination. Some attribute this phenomenon of hearing words from the
subjective mind to spirits of the departed; needless to say, the same
law of suggestion applies and governs the character of their
clairaudient manifestation.
The subconscious mind will assume the characters
by the
conscious mind. If, for example, you believe it is a guardian angel
speaking to you, or the voice of a disembodied spirit, the subconscious
will follow the suggestion given, and all further communication will be
conducted on the basis assumed by you. Your subconscious will assume
the character of an angel or devil according to the suggestion given.
Some months ago a young man from a local university
to see me with
the complaint that he was constantly hearing spirit-voices, that they
made him do nasty things, and that they would not let him alone,
neither would they permit him to read the Bible or other spiritual
books. He was convinced that he was talking to supernatural beings.
This young man was clairaudient, and not knowing that all people
possess this faculty, he began to think it was due to evil spirits. His
superstitious beliefs caused him to ascribe it to departed spirits.
Through constant worry he became a monomaniac on the subject. His
subconscious mind dominated and controlled by an all-potent but false
suggestion, gradually took over control and mastery of his objective
faculties, and his reason abdicated its throne. He was what you would
call mentally unbalanced, as all men are who allow their false beliefs
to obtain the ascendancy.
We must not place gangsters, assassins, and
murderers in
charge of our
mind. Place Wisdom and Divine Love in charge of your mind. Let faith in
God, and all things good take charge of your mind. The subjective or
subconscious mind within each of us is of tremendous importance and
significance, but it can be influenced negatively and positively. Be
sure that you influence it only positively, constructively, and
harmoniously. The subconscious possesses transcendent powers, but it is
at the same time amenable to good and bad suggestions. The explanations
which I gave him made a profound impression on him.
I gave him the following written prayer which he was
repeat for ten
or fifteen minutes three or four times a day: "God's Love, Truth, and
Wisdom flood my mind and heart. I love the Truth, I hear the Truth, and
I know the Truth. God's River of Peace floods my mind, and I give
thanks for my freedom."
He repeated the above prayer slowly, quietly,
and with deep
feeling, particularly prior to sleep. By identifying with harmony and
peace, he brought about a rearrangement of the thought-patterns and
imagery of his mind, and a healing followed. He knew that what was true
of God was true of himself. He brought about a conviction by
repetition, faith, and expectancy.
My prayer for him night and morning was as follows:
is thinking
rightly. He is reflecting Divine Wisdom and Divine Intelligence in all
ways. His mind is the perfect mind of God, unchanging and eternal. He
hears the Voice of God which is the Voice of Peace and Love. He
understands the Truth, he knows the Truth, and he loves the Truth.
God's River of Peace floods his mind. His mind is full of God's Wisdom
and Understanding. Whatever is vexing him now is leaving him, and I
pronounce him free and at peace."
I meditated on these words of Truth night and
getting the
"feel" of peace and harmony; at the end of a week this young man was
completely free. I fasted from the poisoned feast of sense-evidence and
fear-symptoms. I had to cure myself of the belief in a diseased state,
and outer results necessarily followed. I think my explanation was a
great help to this young man. The ill state is conditioned in us as
long as we see that state of illness portrayed. Our failure is due to
absence of faith in the disciples (our mental faculties). We must
contemplate the Infinite Perfection within us, and keep on doing so,
until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
He suffered not
demons to speak.
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